It was my anniversary on Friday so hubby and I decided to go to a new pub/bistro that had opened up in a village near us, which someone had recommended. It was very nice, pleasant surroundings, friendly staff, local beer and over half full (which is usually a good sign).

Sirloin steakMy husband ordered an 8oz sirloin steak and I ordered chilli. The steak was £18 and the chilli was £9. When the food arrived, again it looked nicely presented and I can certainly vouch for the chilli as it was made with beef strips instead of the usual mince. My husband ate his steak meal in all of about 20 minutes, not rushing his food but quick enough so that it didn’t go cold on the plate.

I asked him if he’d enjoyed the steak to which he replied, “yes it was ok but it wasn’t worth £18 and I wouldn’t order it again”. He came home that night and started munching a couple of hours later.

My question to you is this:

How many times have you paid £18 for a meal that you ate within an hour and only semi enjoyed?

Now putting this into perspective.

ladeis day racesHow many times have you bought underwear for £18, wore it time and time again, not only enjoying the feeling of wearing it but also benefitting from the fabric ? runner crossing finishing lineMaybe you bought the underwear to wear for a special occasion so that you could wear a certain outfit comfortably or an event such as a 5k run or marathon?

What’s the point here?.

The next time you go to buy underwear and think it may be on the expensive side, think about the last time you had a meal out which only lasted a couple of hours and that meal cost you more than £18. Kind of makes buying underwear at £18 not so expensive, doesn’t it?